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Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013

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Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013 Empty Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013

Post by NiteSpinR Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:32 am

Searching For Sandra

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When a home surveillance video caught missing 8-year-old Sandra Cantu skipping happily down the street, the last time the nation would see her alive, mothers and fathers across the country prayed that Sandra would be found safe. Her frantic mother, who had reported her missing on March 27, 2009, finally convinced law enforcers in her town of Tracy, California to begin a search. Male sex offenders were plucked out of their homes and taken in for questioning, while male acquaintances of Sandra or her family were systematically interviewed. “Who would have taken Sandra?” they asked themselves as the days went by and no one confessed.
But Sandra had vanished into thin air—that is, until April 6, 2009 when the child’s remains were found floating inside a suitcase in an irrigation pond. An entire nation became transfixed by the case, and Sandra quickly became known as “Tracy’s Angel.”
Then, on April 11th, just five days after her body was found, law enforcement authorities arrested 28-year-old Melissa Huckaby, Sandra’s friendly neighbor and a local Sunday school teacher. The community was shocked, but more was to follow. Shortly thereafter, the world learned that little Sandra had been sexually assaulted by her murderer!
No one, not even the highest authorities in the FBI, could find a single previous case of a child abduction, rape, and murder where a woman was solely responsible. The case involving Melissa Huckaby instantly became one for the history books, or as some called her, “a statistical anomaly.”
The community of Tracy, the nation, and the world clamored for answers. People simply couldn’t understand how a woman—a mother–could commit such a heinous, vile act. Where did she do it? And—most important–why?
Some of the answers have never been released to the public, but Stacy Dittrich, policewoman, former detective, true crime author—and a mother of two girls– went on the hunt to explore the truth behind this extraordinary case. She interviewed the victim’s friends, family, and legal experts on both sides of the courtroom to learn the shocking answers to the questions the public has yet to be told.
The result: “Searching for Sandra” is a can’t-miss read for every man and woman who has, or cares about, the safety and well-being of children.

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Thank You To Our Member Ruth Sampson For Giving Me The Heads Up About The Release Of The Book.
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Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013 Empty Re: Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013

Post by Wrapitup Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:47 am

Thanks so much, Ruth!!

I doubt any of us will ever forget this horrific case. Don't think I can read the book although I would imagine it's very good.

Will Never forget LE finding Sandra in that suitcase in a lake. Sandra is the spitting image of a good friend's daughter in Bastrop. Everytime I see Cameron, I think of Sandra.

This case shook me to my very core. The mere thought that someone could do this to her..especially someone w/ties to a church..just makes me sick!

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013 Empty Re: Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013

Post by raine1953 Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:01 pm

Yes, thank you Ruth! And Nite!
I can't read the book either, it was so hard to read about this case as it was unfolding.
If I remember right (good chance I don't!) I think Sandra's parents allowed the COD to be released because it was too awful for them.? Maybe I have my cases mixed up too.

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Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013 Empty Re: Veteran Police Detective Stacy Dittrich Examines The Murder Of Sandra Cantu In Book Released February 2013

Post by NiteSpinR Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:27 pm

I'm going to read it as soon as I can lay my hands on it. The information about the book said that Melissa Huckaby is a statistical anomaly, I believe that. Ruth mentioned there are several things in the book that she had never heard mentioned in the media. Of course that makes me curious. Raine I think the parents had the autopsy report sealed.
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