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Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT

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Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT Empty Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT

Post by Wrapitup Tue May 25, 2010 3:42 pm

ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. -- More jailhouse tapes have been released between Misty Croslin and her father Hank Croslin, Sr. In these tapes, Hank Sr. can be heard telling Misty she needs to come clean.

Here is an excerpt from the tape:

Hank Sr.: The idea is that whatever you know you need to tell them.
Misty: Daddy, I have!
Hank Sr.: OK.
Misty: Dad, it's not may fault they don't listen.

During the conversation, Misty also told her father that she never pointed the finger at her brother Tommy. Misty said her lie detector tests came back inconclusive because she was too nervous to answer the questions.

They talk a lot about Misty lawyer, Robert Fields, and her upcoming court dates. Misty said she trusts Fields and looks forward to getting out.

Misty is jailed on drug charges.

Misty, Ronald Cummings, Misty's brother, and two others were arrested and jailed in January to face charges of trafficking in prescription medications.

MORE: Drug Charges Filed Against Croslin, Cummings

Misty was briefly married to Ronald, Haleigh Cummings' father. Haleigh disappeared from her home in Satsuma in February 2009. Misty was babysitting her and her younger brother at the time while Cummings was at work. Misty said then that she woke up in the middle of the night and Haleigh was gone.

An April tip led investigators to conduct an intense three-day search at the Shell Harbour boat ramp south of Satsuma in Putnam County.

According to the sheriff's office, divers had uncovered many bones and placed them near the dock to dry. They were mostly deer bones, with some alligator and possibly other animal bones.

An anthropologist was on the scene to identify them.

The sheriff's office said Croslin saw the bones as she was being led to the ramp, but at no time did investigators tell her they were human bones.

MORE: Sheriff's Office Says Bones Weren't Animal Bones

In a November interview with First Coast News, Cummings stood by Croslin, who was his wife then. During the interview, she claimed she did not know what happened to Haleigh.

MORE: Attorney Says Police Believed They Could Crack Case

please click here to listen:

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Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT Empty Haleigh Cummings update – Misty Croslin & Hank Croslin Tape 1

Post by Wrapitup Tue May 25, 2010 3:47 pm

Haleigh Cummings update – Misty Croslin & Hank Croslin Tape 1
Posted on May 22nd, 2010 by Simon Barrett

Yesterdays data dump from St Johns is a treasure trove, it will take days to wade through all of the information. I found the phone conversations from Tommy Croslin riveting listening.

We have just started on he video discs, and with 5 DVD’s that is a bit of a daunting task. We have rendered part of the first DVD which is a conversation between Misty Croslin and her father Hank Croslin. Using some things that are said by Hank I can date this tape as being made right before the St Johns river search. I base that conclusion on a snippet of conversation. To paraphrase the exchange:

I heard some stuff and its not good for you, your brother took a lie detector and passed

This tape is a glowing example of the family dynamics at work in this bizarre family. In the later part of the recording Hank lectures Misty about the evils of taking drugs!

He also points out that Tommy is pretty angry with Misty. Someone is telling lies, and the inference is that Tommy is pointing the finger at Misty. What is interesting is that Misty does not seem to offer any comeback.

I’ll also venture an observation, the PCSO’s red censors pen is not as evident as it has been in previous data dumps. The search for Haleigh Cummings is not covered by the Florida Sunshine laws, and yet much of this conversation concerns Haleigh.

If I was suspicious by nature I might suspect that this was an intentional move. Give the press some raw meat and let them go nuts. Another way to place pressure on the Croslin family. Of course that is just my opinion.

Misty & Hank part 1

Misty & Hank part 2

(note: these are large files so they will take a few minutes to download)

Simon and Jan Barrett

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT Empty Haleigh Cummings – Jail Tapes DVD 2

Post by Wrapitup Tue May 25, 2010 3:52 pm

Posted on May 23rd, 2010 by Simon Barrett

We have rendered DVD 2 and are in the process of uploading the files. This will take up a few minutes, but we wanted to bring the files to you as quickly as possible.

Once again these are conversations between Misty Croslin and her father Hank Croslin. This DVD is sight unseen, I have not had an opportunity to even watch the videos. We are running at full speed to get this information out there. To give you an idea of what we are doing, Jan and I have three computers dedicated to the process, and another person is helping us, and they have at least one computer tied up on the project.

There will be a steady stream of tapes appearing today, so keep checking back with us. Also, please remember to tune in this afternoon at 3pm central. Point your browser to a few minutes before we go on air, the link will be on the front page, or you can find the live program here.

Misty & Hank Part1

Misty & Hank Part2
(parts 1&2 are on the above post)

Misty & Hank Part3

Misty & Hank Part4

These files are large so expect a delay in them loading. Also our servers are being slammed at the moment so patience is a virtue…..

Simon and Jan Barrett

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT Empty Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes

Post by Wrapitup Tue May 25, 2010 4:05 pm

Haleigh Cummings – Yet More Jail Vids – DVD 3Posted on May 24th, 2010 by Simon Barrett

I suspect that my good friend over at The Sky 97.3 TJ Hart might have these running already over on his site. But I will publish the tapes anyway, I am sure that there are some folks that have not heard them.

This DVD contains conversations between Tommy Croslin and his wife Lindsay Croslin.

It would be easy to offer some ‘Op Ed’ on these tapes, but I think I will refrain. The entire Haleigh Cummings story is so sad that to even discuss the family is enough to give even the most seasoned seafarer a case of Sea sickness.

Do any of these tapes help find Haleigh Cummings? The answer has to be a resounding NO. But they do reveal much about the family dynamics involved in both the Croslin and Cummings families.

Tommy One

Tommy Two

Tommy Three

Tommy Four

Once again, there are large files, it will take a few minutes to download the files.

Simon and Jan Barrett

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Post by Wrapitup Tue May 25, 2010 4:08 pm

Haleigh Cummings – More From The Tapes - DVD4
Posted on May 24th, 2010 by Simon Barrett

I think I have just witnessed a remake of Irwin Wallace’s opus The Almighty. In 1972 Wallace released The Almighty, it was a best seller, and a book that deserves reading today. The premise behind the book is that a newspaper publisher needs to increase circulation and profits. His solution is to ‘create’ the news. Robberies, murders, terrorism, he did it all.

The Almighty was just a work of fiction. A great book, but none the less a work of fiction. I start to get a little worried when I see The Almighty start to take root in real life. There is no question that the press are biased. They always have been, they likely always will be.

This DVD has us really wondering about the Haleigh Cummings story, and what the real story might be. There are four files involved, but to understand my reference to The Almighty listen to the start of the file two.

Some ‘news’ outlets seem to specialize in taking information out of context. The ’slice and dice’ of information is quite appalling. Here are the real files, unedited, from DVD 4.

Tommy One

Tommy Two

Tommy Three

Tommy Four

I have just wasted a huge amount of time watching The Almighty at full speed. It is for that reason that we never ’slice and dice’ tapes. It is easy to take things out of context.

Simon and Jan Barrett

please note: I am not sure if these are the same tapes as the ones above. So many have been released that there may be duplicates. So sorry if they are.

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Post by Wrapitup Tue May 25, 2010 5:10 pm

Haleigh Cummings – DVD 5
Posted on May 25th, 2010 by Simon Barrett

DVD five contains a single conversation between Tommy Croslin and his wife Lindsay Croslin.

This jail tape was recorded in the latter part of April.

Of all of the people involved in the Haleigh Cummings case I had held Lindsay Croslin in some esteem, she seemed to be the one member in Dysfunction Junction that had more than one synapse firing.

After this tape I am re-thinking my stance.

In what has to be one of the funniest and most bizarre exchanges I have ever heard, Tommy and Lindsay get into a discussion about ‘family photographs’. Oh this has nothing to do with weddings or other family get togethers, this is about who has the best jail photo!

There are some more serious aspects to this conversation, there are mentions about ‘a friend’, who might that be? The context is about money, specifically in buying a car. Who might this friend be? I can’t see that it would be the ‘Big Hatted’ bounty hunter from California. I suspect that he has had enough automotive adventures with Hank.

Is this tape important? Probably not, but it does give further insights into the melange that the Croslin’s, Cummings, and Sheffield’s have created.

Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tape

Simon and Jan Barrett

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Jailhouse Tapes Between Misty Croslin, Father/ Tommy Croslin and Lindsay Croslin tapes/ Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT Empty Tommy Croslin Jail DVD Argues with Lindsay over LDT

Post by Nama Sat May 29, 2010 11:47 am

I'll merge this with the other thread with the Tommy and Lindsay tapes in a day or so when you have all listened to it.

I am not sure what happened but I think we have located the missing file. This is a conversation between Tommy Croslin and his wife. It was recorded right after Tommy took the lie detector test.

I think it is fair to say that Lindsay is a little hot on the collar.

“All you f***ing Croslins are F***ing liars”

What is clear is that Lindsay obviously knows some information about the LDT, but does not want to discuss it, Tommy on the other hand can not shut up. He even went on to say that the only real question they asked him was about knocking on the door the night that Haleigh Cummings disappeared. Lindsay snapped back “And you couldn’t even tell the truth about that”.

Lindsay repeatedly tells Tommy to shut up, “We don’t want this out there”, she is obviously referring to the fact that the conversation is being recorded.

It is very clear that Lindsay is absolutely at the end of her tether. The subject of knocking on the door seems to be eating Lindsay alive.

I am genuinely surprised that other media outlets have not leapt on this particular tape. Of all of the Jail house conversations I have listened to this is undoubtedly the most explosive.

You guys can be your perfect incestuous family

Last edited by BJ in OR on Sat May 29, 2010 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Lilone Sat May 29, 2010 6:29 pm

Wow! Is he really as stupid as he sounds? She seems to realize that fact, but keeps on keepin' on...

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Post by lisette Sun May 30, 2010 12:03 am

Boy is she PO'd...I wonder how he answered the question about knocking on the door that night...It sounds like whatever he said didn't pass the test...She is really mad...Why did she say that it made her look stupid? Did she back him up on the story about Ron calling and asking him to go over and check on Misty? I don't remember...

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Post by Wrapitup Sun May 30, 2010 11:55 pm

Good for her. He's a loser. She should have told him what she thought and hung up the phone!

And, his language. He talks to her like that? And he probably talks like that in front of the kids. They all make me sick!

And now she is telling him she loves him. I am confused.

And what is LDT????????? thinking

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Post by raine1953 Mon May 31, 2010 12:57 am

Lie Detector Test...

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Post by Wrapitup Mon May 31, 2010 1:03 am

Duh!!!! Sorry, it's late and I've been ill. head bang

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