Victim's Heartland
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Nevaeh Buchanan

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Sat May 30, 2009 5:04 pm

Blood not linked to missing Monroe girl, authorities say
Tanveer Ali / The Detroit News

Monroe -- Preliminary results on DNA evidence collected from a person of interest failed to match that of missing 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan, according to the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

Authorities had submitted evidence found in George Kennedy's motel room, including blood found on clothing, a towel and the bathroom sink, to the state police crime lab in Northville.

"It failed to match Nevaeh's DNA," Sheriff's Major Dan Motylinski said Saturday.

Click the link for the rest of the article.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Sat May 30, 2009 11:21 pm

That poor child and that horrible excuse for a mother, this just makes me sick!!

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty 3rd Man Named Person Of Interest

Post by Guest Sun May 31, 2009 12:12 pm

Search For Missing Girl, 5, Continues

POSTED: Saturday, May 30, 2009
UPDATED: 12:10 am EDT May 31, 2009
MONROE, Mich. -- A third man has been named a person of interest in the case of a missing 5-year-old Monroe girl.

James Easter, 64, of Monroe was taken in for questioning Saturday.

Easter is being held on unrelated charges. Police have not said why he has been named a person of interest in the case.

Click the following link for the rest of the article.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Radio interview with Nevaeh's mother Jennifer Buchanan.

Post by Guest Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:45 am

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:22 pm

I just listened to the above and I gotta say right here that woman did not cry one time. There is NO WAY I would have been able to get through an interview without breaking down. In fact, I wouldn't DO an interview. I would be spending my time searching for my child.

Her flippant remarks about her boyfriend or "friend" being around her child was absolutely stunningly sickening. Seems she likes to hang with the RSO's w/not a care in the world. She makes me sick!

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by CritterFan1 Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:50 am

The mother actually seemed to defend her choice of men. I do not care what excuse a loser told me about why he is a sex offender, that creep would never have been exposed to my children. The ones in my area all make excuses to their neighbors I have heard, things like she was a day away from being 16. One nice neighborhood, ($400.000.00 and up) put all of their houses "For Sale By Owner" when a known sex offender(with a criminal past) moved in. Short story long, the offender moved after all of the media attention. The families won! Can't imagine this sorry excuse of a mother (as someone said), joining in the protest because SHE would have been the one the sex offender would have been living with.

Join date : 2009-06-01

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by mommyof3kids Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:06 pm

CritterFan1 Today at 11:50 am

The mother actually seemed to defend her choice of men. I do not care what excuse a loser told me about why he is a sex offender, that creep would never have been exposed to my children. The ones in my area all make excuses to their neighbors I have heard, things like she was a day away from being 16. One nice neighborhood, ($400.000.00 and up) put all of their houses "For Sale By Owner" when a known sex offender(with a criminal past) moved in. Short story long, the offender moved after all of the media attention. The families won! Can't imagine this sorry excuse of a mother (as someone said), joining in the protest because SHE would have been the one the sex offender would have been living with.

Completely agreed. How can this women even be surprised that her daughter came up missing... she put her daughter in harms way and deverses to go to jail on child neglect charges and locked up with her so called " SO friends". I also think they need to make a law that require all SO's to have a huge "S" tattooed on their foreheads!!! :arrow: :idea: :cyclops:

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:13 pm

A child's body has been found near where Naveah lived, along a river. On my god, This is sad. This is very sad. Please keep her family in your thoughts.

And please, bloggers, come and post on CSO - we miss you and love so much.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:58 pm

Body found is Nevaeh

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:00 am

Did ya'll watch JVM tonite ? That Wendy Murphy told it like it was about all these Pedophiles and how every day a little girl is molested and killed because these scumbags would rather kill than go back to prison and how if they were muslim girls maybe Pres. Obama would get involved...Something has to be done this stuff has to stop..We have to find a way to fix this...Amen Wendy Murphy.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:51 am

ignertbliss wrote:Did ya'll watch JVM tonite ? That Wendy Murphy told it like it was about all these Pedophiles and how every day a little girl is molested and killed because these scumbags would rather kill than go back to prison and how if they were muslim girls maybe Pres. Obama would get involved...Something has to be done this stuff has to stop..We have to find a way to fix this...Amen Wendy Murphy.

Was that humor about Obama? He is American just like all of us. Why did the grandparents let Nevaeh go back with her Mother? It is my understanding the grandparents were raising Nevaeh while Mommy served time. She was out riding her bike alone in the street at 5 yrs old? What is wrong with Mothers who do these stupid things. Mommy dearest needs to be arrested for child neglect resulting in death. Lock her up and throw away the key. Lets make sure this Mommy never has any more kids.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:13 pm

Jennifer Buchanan deserves absolutely no sympathy. Her lack of emotion, and concern in the disappearance of Nevaeh is highly suspicious. Instead of going out looking for her daughter, she chose to take to the airwaves in defense of her two known sex offender friends. What does this woman have for a brain? If the grandmother had custody of Nevaeh, why in the world was she with this "so called mother"? Does anyone know why there was a time delay in calling the police? Supposedly, Nevaeh went missing at 6:30 p.m. However, based on what I've heard, the police were not called until 9:30 p.m. that night! affraid Why the delay? This poor excuse for a mother has a criminal background, "home invasion", so why, pray tell, was she allowed to be around Nevaeh? If the grandmother also knew about the sex offender friends, and did nothing about it, then she's no better than Jennifer Buchanan. :(

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:20 pm

Amid suspicion and public scorn, Jennifer Buchanan denies killing daughter Nevaeh

In a cramped apartment, a portrait of a little girl is propped up on an old TV set, framed by candles.

It is a darling picture, taken at preschool.

Jennifer Buchanan faces the makeshift memorial, saying she can't imagine why anyone would have taken Nevaeh Buchanan, her 5-year-old daughter.

She begins to tell the story of the final moments when, she says, she thought Nevaeh went off to play with a friend.

And then was gone.

It's a story Buchanan has not told in so much detail before. And it's a story investigators are still scrutinizing.

Entire and very interesting article here:

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Juanita Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:43 am

The story of Neveah really breaks my heart. It bad enough that someone would be so cold hearted to hurt a child, but to dispose of the body in that manner, its inhumane, its cruel, its NOT NORMAL.

sometimes i wish we could go back to public burnings or something. (not really but you know)

Join date : 2009-05-29

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:24 pm

HLN is interviewing Shane, the dad. They have NOT 100% identified the body as Neveah's. This poor dad is still holding out hope that it is not his daughter. He said he is waiting "for the phone call". Good Lord, I would be going frickin crazy!

Mike Brooks is saying he sees an arrest very soon. She failed the question in the poly reference if she was dating George Kennedy. Why would she lie about that if she thinks hanging out w/sex offenders is "no big deal"??

They never took their daughter to a dentist so there are no dental records to identify her.

Shane has not seen his daughter in 3 years.

NG will be talking to Jennifer Buchannan tonight.

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by cherylz Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:43 pm

Yep, yet another heartbreaker. Having a 4 year old myself, who is graduating preschool on Wed., this is just so sad. Picturing her running across the stage to get her certificate just 3 days b4 her life was ended, just makes me ill. And she never went to the DDS, that should be part of well-child visits-they recommend dental visits starting at age 2. She was never given a chance-her mother was too busy befriending known sex offenders and neglecting her child, than being a mom. She needs to be held accountable.

Join date : 2009-05-30

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:49 pm

I'm not too far from the area, so I'm going to post some random things the locals are saying about the case.
  • They are highly suspicious of the mother Jennifer Buchanan. I didn't catch it, but a lot of people are saying that Jennifer was talking about Nevaeh in the past tense shortly after she disappeared.
  • A lot of people are very angry and want the killer dead and some members of Navaeh's family have threatened the life of the killer. (There is currently no death penalty in Michigan, but this would most likely be the case that proponents of the death penalty use to try to get it instated in Michigan.)
  • They want to know why the cement crumbled so easily like it hadn't fully settled yet. Some think the body might not have been there all along, or that the cement may have been put on the grave later.
  • There are a lot of comments that the Detroit media pretty much ignores the Monroe area unless something like this happens. They say Toledo pays more attention to the area and gives them better coverage.
  • There are a lot of questions about a letter that Jennifer had written to George Kennedy after Nevaeh's disappearance. The police found the letter in Jennifer's bedroom in a trash can, but will not comment on it.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:01 pm

t2smith wrote:I'm not too far from the area, so I'm going to post some random things the locals are saying about the case.

  • They are highly suspicious of the mother Jennifer Buchanan. I didn't catch it, but a lot of people are saying that Jennifer was talking about Nevaeh in the past tense shortly after she disappeared.

  • A lot of people are very angry and want the killer dead and some members of Navaeh's family have threatened the life of the killer. (There is currently no death penalty in Michigan, but this would most likely be the case that proponents of the death penalty use to try to get it instated in Michigan.)

  • They want to know why the cement crumbled so easily like it hadn't fully settled yet. Some think the body might not have been there all along, or that the cement may have been put on the grave later.

  • There are a lot of comments that the Detroit media pretty much ignores the Monroe area unless something like this happens. They say Toledo pays more attention to the area and gives them better coverage.

  • There are a lot of questions about a letter that Jennifer had written to George Kennedy after Nevaeh's disappearance. The police found the letter in Jennifer's bedroom in a trash can, but will not comment on it.

How far is Monroe from Toledo?? I lived there from March until August 2008 and Hated IT!!!!

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:08 pm

Monroe is 22 miles from Toledo. It is 38 miles from Detroit.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:05 pm

t2smith wrote:Monroe is 22 miles from Toledo. It is 38 miles from Detroit.
So, if you are traveling from Toledo to the Detroit Airport, you pass right by Monroe - right???

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Juanita Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:07 pm

im watching an older video of NG interviewing Neveahs father.

why he doesnt have custody??? "judge looked at me and said you have no right to see your daughter"

is that the whole story?

Join date : 2009-05-29

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Juanita Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:09 pm

T2, if you dont mix concrete properly, not enough sand to keep it together, or it doesnt dry fast enough, or maybe too fast, or it is too cold when it sets, it becomes a very crackly weak mix even when dry. some parts of our sidewalks in our neighborhood are like that.

Join date : 2009-05-29

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:48 pm

Wrapitup wrote:So, if you are traveling from Toledo to the Detroit Airport, you pass right by Monroe - right???

Yes. I imagine that even without cable, you get a lot of TV stations if you live in Monroe.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Juanita Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:44 pm

its so hard to find new news on neveah, google is starting to suck now with all these stupid advertisments and more and more blogs. i want news from the source! ack.

Join date : 2009-05-29

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:55 pm

It does mine too, Juanita! 😢 I think anyone who murders a child should automatically get the Death Penalty. It is the worst possible thing that anyone can ever do in this lifetime! It would most definitely keep them from ever harming another child. Child killers are not safe to be around anyone, especially children. Children will never be safe until these people are permanently removed from society. As far as I'm concerned, it is the only way to protect children, and to stop these things from happening over & over again. All child predators, and/or anyone who kills a child should be given a strong and clear message. Harming children is never acceptable, not under any circumstances!
Juanita wrote:The story of Neveah really breaks my heart. It bad enough that someone would be so cold hearted to hurt a child, but to dispose of the body in that manner, its inhumane, its cruel, its NOT NORMAL.

sometimes i wish we could go back to public burnings or something. (not really but you know)

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:44 am

What mother who is not involved in the disappearance of her child, would say "I'm completely innocent" after a child's body is found? That child's body is most probably Nevaeh. 😢 The first words out of Jennifer Buchanan's mouth are, "I'm completely innocent"? There is something very, very wrong in this case. She should have been inconsolable after that little girl's body was found! What is wrong with this picture? affraid Nancy Grace caught her in several lies, which is not surprising to me at all. Someone should slap the taste right out of her mouth, and maybe all the lies too! :roll:

Did you see one of the morning shows interview Sandra Cantu's mom and another relative? I think it was the Today show. That was a mom that was truly grieving. She couldn't even get a word out during the interview.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Juanita Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:21 am


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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:09 pm

What mother who is not involved in the disappearance of her child, would say "I'm completely innocent" after a child's body is found? That child's body is most probably Nevaeh. 😢 The first words out of Jennifer Buchanan's mouth are, "I'm completely innocent"? There is something very, very wrong in this case. She should have been inconsolable after that little girl's body was found! What is wrong with this picture? affraid Nancy Grace caught her in several lies, which is not surprising to me at all. Someone should slap the taste right out of her mouth, and maybe all the lies too! :roll:

Did you see one of the morning shows interview Sandra Cantu's mom and another relative? I think it was the Today show. That was a mom that was truly grieving. She couldn't even get a word out during the interview.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Police Confirm Body is Nevaeh's

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:18 pm is reporting that police are confirming that the body found by the River Raisin is Nevaeh Buchanan. 😢

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Juanita Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:29 pm

Sandra Cantu's mom is the gold standard for a real mother who is grieving. She COULDNT BREATHE! She was about to faint. it took all her strenght to bring thoughts of her daughter into her head to relay them to the public while squelching images of her daughters last days and the anger and frustration and desperation all tied in with that.

if it was your daughter you be lucky you can get anything comprehensible out either.

Misty??? Ron??? Casey???

Join date : 2009-05-29

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:24 pm

Hi, t2! :D Unfortunately, I missed that show. I have absolutely no doubt about Sandra Cantu's mom's grief. Jennifer Buchanan should be neutered. In my opinion, she belongs in jail with her sex offender buddies. Why does she want to see Nevaeh's remains? She never took care of her in life, so what's the point now? This woman makes my blood boil!!!!! :x
t2smith wrote:What mother who is not involved in the disappearance of her child, would say "I'm completely innocent" after a child's body is found? That child's body is most probably Nevaeh. 😢 The first words out of Jennifer Buchanan's mouth are, "I'm completely innocent"? There is something very, very wrong in this case. She should have been inconsolable after that little girl's body was found! What is wrong with this picture? affraid Nancy Grace caught her in several lies, which is not surprising to me at all. Someone should slap the taste right out of her mouth, and maybe all the lies too! :roll:

Did you see one of the morning shows interview Sandra Cantu's mom and another relative? I think it was the Today show. That was a mom that was truly grieving. She couldn't even get a word out during the interview.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:32 am

A couple has come forward saying they helped 2 men who's car was stuck in the mud on the night Nevaeh went missing (near where her body was later found)

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:30 am

A Monroe couple has come forward, telling police that they helped two men pull their car out of a muddy bank along the River Raisin. The riverbank was in the same area where Nevaeh's body was found, and the car was pulled from the bank just hours after Nevaeh disappeared.

Police are also scrutinizing a gas station surveillance tape where convicted sex offender George Kennedy, 39, was seen the night the girl went missing. He and acquaintance Roy Smith, 48, are now in a Jackson prison on parole violations. Both have been questioned by police about the death but neither has been charged.

Per the above post Michelle posted, and thanks!! THIS IS VERY, VERY CRUCIAL!!

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by mommyof3kids Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:45 pm

Michelle Today at 6:32 am

A couple has come forward saying they helped 2 men who's car was stuck in the mud on the night Nevaeh went missing (near where her body was later found)

Thanks so much Mechelle for posting this... WOW, I wonder who the 2 men were and could it possibly be George and Roy? Maybe there will be an arrest soon!!

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by CritterFan1 Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:08 pm

It would almost be too good to be true if the men were indeed the two suspects. Wow. I sure hope so.

Join date : 2009-06-01

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:42 pm

I wish somebody would report more details about the two men that the couple helped. Like what kind of car they were driving, and if they resembled Kennedy or Smith.

Here is an update on the case.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by mommyof3kids Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:10 pm

Thanks for the updated post t2. It's hard to read some of these articles anymore, with out getting a little teary eyed! Another innocent child taken from this world for no reason. It breaks my heart.

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:10 pm

Thanks, t2. I would think the DNA on the beer can would be telling.

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:00 am

I don't know if she was being humorous or not I just agree the Pres. should get tough on child molesters.... :nothingtoadd:

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by NiteSpinR Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:25 am

Heaven backwards, how could someone sooo messed up think of such a unique name for their daughter And then have such little regard for her safety and wellbeing?
I want the spotlight off of this despicable excuse for a mother. She should be jailed for child endangerment!
and if these filthy friends of her's are responsible for her child's death, I think that she should be charged as an accessory.

Why do those most guilty always swear up and down about their innocence?

I hope they do find DNA on that can, hunt down the person it belongs to, hold-em-down and cram that can where the sun don't shine! ☀
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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:18 am


Description of car pulled from mud & one of the men.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:43 am

Thanks Michelle, I can't believe I missed that. According to another article I just found, it looks like a dead end. It says that Nevaeh was found on the opposite side of the river from where the couple helped the two guys.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by mommyof3kids Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:03 am

Thanks Michelle for posting that link, I don't think I had seen that particular article before. So one of the guys that was in the car they pulled out of the ditch had tattoos all over his neck and gaps between his teeth?? This definitely does not describe George Kennedy and his buddy that is behind bars right now.

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by mommyof3kids Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:07 am

t2smith Today at 10:43 am

Thanks Michelle, I can't believe I missed that. According to another article I just found, it looks like a dead end. It says that Nevaeh was found on the opposite side of the river from where the couple helped the two guys.

And thank you t2 for clarifying that for me :)

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Guest Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:30 pm

I guess the people that were stuck in the mud weren't involved.Thanks for the link.

I hope LE has some DNA or something.Nevaeh needs justice!

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by Wrapitup Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:40 pm

I would think we will hear more about this very soon.

Thanks for all the updates, what little there is out there in media land.

Join date : 2009-05-28

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

Post by mommyof3kids Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:32 pm

I sure hope we do Wrap! It sux that we are still waiting for the final cause of death, but it sounds like they have a HUGE case load in this state :(

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Nevaeh Buchanan Empty Re: Nevaeh Buchanan

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