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Amber alert for 7-month-old Greene County boy

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Amber alert for 7-month-old Greene County boy  Empty Amber alert for 7-month-old Greene County boy

Post by laga Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:32 am

Authorities have found a car stolen during a violent incident in which a Greene County baby was kidnapped.
GREENEVILLE, TENN. (AP) -- The TBI issued an Amber Alert after 7-month-old Drake Kingston Boyd was taken at about 4 p.m. EDT Sunday.

The child is a black male, 27 inches long and 20 pounds, last seen wearing Toy Story pajamas but may also be wearing a blue pant/shirt set.

Police are looking for 35-year-old David Jackson, a black male who is 6 feet, 2 inches tall. TBI spokeswoman Kristin Helm said Jackson is the baby's father.

The Greene County Sheriff's Office says there were at least three unidentified women who took part in the kidnapping.

Helm said police in Newberry, S.C., found the car Monday morning that had been stolen from the baby's mother.

Police earlier said Jackson could be headed for Georgia or Florida.

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