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Similarities between Lonzie Barton, Haleigh Cumming's cases

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 Similarities between Lonzie Barton, Haleigh Cumming's cases Empty Similarities between Lonzie Barton, Haleigh Cumming's cases

Post by Wrapitup Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:03 pm

Updated: Jan 8, 2016 - 8:17 AM

Haleigh Cummings and Lonzie Barton are distant cousins, and both disappeared in the middle of the night and their caregivers both told police they didn't know what happened to them.

When Haleigh Cummings disappeared from her Satsuma home in 2009, her father's girlfriend was watching her. Misty Croslin told police she went to sleep with Haleigh and when Croslin woke up,  the child was gone.

Haleigh Cummings, 5, was reported missing on Feb. 10, 2009

When Lonzie disappeared, his mother's boyfriend, Ruben Ebron, who remains the only suspect in the 21 month old’s disappearance told police the child was kidnapped.
 Similarities between Lonzie Barton, Haleigh Cumming's cases 072415+lonzie+barton+amber+alert
Multiple agencies spent days looking for both children in the air, on the ground and in waters.

Croslin and Ronald Cummings were arrested on drug charges almost a year after Haleigh Cummings disappeared. Lonna Lauramore Barton and Ebron were arrested for child neglect and giving false information to police.

Despite a 25-year prison sentence, Croslin hasn’t said anything about Haleigh’s disappearance. She has been missing now for **over** seven years.

Join date : 2009-05-28

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